A project of

Rep. Stephen Buyer

Rep. Stephen Buyer

Indiana Congressional delegation

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Rep. Stephen Buyer: key health care votes

Ballot box graphic

November 19, 2009

HR 3961: Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act of 2009

Status: House passed

On Passage: H R 3961 Medicare Physician Payment Reform Act of 2009 [more]

Rep. Buyer voted No, which we score as unfavorable.
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Passage, Objections of the President Not Withstanding: H R 6331 Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act [more]

Rep. Buyer voted No, which we score as unfavorable.
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On Passage: H R 4 Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act [more]

Rep. Buyer did not vote..
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On Passage: H R 1 Medicare Prescription Drug and Modernization Act [more]

Rep. Buyer voted No, which we score as a pro-consumer vote.