A project of

Rep. Allen West

Rep. Allen West

Florida Congressional delegation

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Rep. Allen West: key health care votes

Ballot box graphic

March 29, 2012

HR 112: Ryan Budget Bill 2012

Status: House passed

This bill would end Medicare as we know it, replacing it with a voucher system for seniors to buy health insurance coverage on the open market. Actuaries say the amount of the vouchers would not be enough for seniors to replace the coverage they would lose with the end of Medicare. [more]

Rep. West voted Yes, which we score as unfavorable.
Ballot box graphic

April 15, 2011

HR 34: Ryan Budget Bill 2011

Status: House passed

This bill would end Medicare as we know it, replacing it with a voucher system for seniors to buy health insurance coverage on the open market. Actuaries say the amount of the vouchers would not be enough for seniors to replace the coverage they would lose with the end of Medicare. [more]

Rep. West voted Yes, which we score as unfavorable.